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Monday, March 29, 2010

Makeup Mondays With Mario: Bright Lips For Spring

Celebrity makeup artist Mario Dedivanovic is answering your burning beauty questions!!! Every Monday, he will answer a beauty/skin care question as part of a weekly column on Spoiled Pretty, Makeup Mondays with Mario.

Hi Mario,

What is your favorite makeup trend for spring, and what products can women use to get that look? Thanks in advance.


Hey Dawn,

One of my favorite trends for spring is bright lips! As an artist, I personally would use brighter lip colors more often then I get to. I'm liking bright colors in pink and orange, but I prefer a sheer formula. Here are a couple of universally flattering shades by MAC: Lipstick in Lustering and Vegas Volt. Both colors are sheer and give a beautiful pop of color to the face.

Thanks for visiting Makeup Mondays with Mario!


Got a question for Mario? Email your makeup and skin care queries to, and check back next Monday to read Mario's expert advice!


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